After spending most of the weekend stitching, hot-glueing, and otherwise creating I am both exhausted and only too aware of how much is left to get done before our first dress rehearsal next Sunday.
My weekend in pictures:
My attempts at Drynuary took a brief hiatus because I earned this glass of wine... |
I am grateful that some of the items I ordered arrived... sadly I have not yet recieved the fabric I ordered to make the uniform coat/dresses to match these hats. Get on the ball,! (I am totally calling to complain today.) |
Items that I have built and found are currently hung on every possible surface of my sewing room awaiting alterations, pressing, finishing, bedazzling, or other time-consuming labor. |
On the other hand, I found some items that will be perfect as is and require no further work from me! Thank goodness! |
B5232 which will be matched to skirt B from B4954. This suit is made of uphostery weight velvet and will be worn over an antique cream-colored lace blouse with a white fur hat and muff for "Don't Rain on my Parade." |

I am not the only person at the theater hard at work! Here is a backstage view of our set in progress. |
Saturday afternoon I managed to get most of the items I have pulled organized, labelled and ready for fittings this week. |
The stairs from the stage downstairs to the costume shop and dressing room. Hauling things up and down is tiring and awkward. I am not a fan. |
A view of our costume storage from above. |
The bodice in progres for Fanny to wear in her dinner scene with Nick. I used the bodice of Simplicity 4055 and then added a fitted midriff. The skirt will also be from B4954 with a lace overlay that extends just past the horizontal seamline near the knee. I am hoping to finish this dress today. Really I just need to attach the skirt, add a zipper and finish the neckline. It shouldn't take more than half an hour but I sort of ran out of steam on this one. |
This is called Jenny experiments with a glue gun before starting to make the white headresses that are actually needed in the show. I don't know whether this will appear in the show at any point but the hot-glue related blisters on my fingertips certainly hope so. |
More of the Zeigfeld bride costumes hanging. My idea is that each one will be different. I may have to see what they look like before making a final decision. |
After a long hard weekend of work, my assistant decides to take a cat-nap on a pile of bridal satin. |
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